Relay Rapid

Gather digital signatures on mobile with our HIPAA and TCPA compliant solution.

Fast, Easy, and Secure
Electronic Signature

With Relay Rapid e-Signature, you can digitize any form that requires a signature and prompt a customer to sign it on mobile with no log in or download required – all within their personalized feed.


Capture signatures in a secure way with our HIPAA-compliant, TCPA, and HITRUST CSF certified

Fast & Frictionless

Get forms signed and capture consent faster with our frictionless experience delivered straight to your customer’s phone


Automate your workflows that require digital wet signatures while storing and accessing completed forms for audit purposes

How Relay Rapid e-Signature Works

Digitize paper forms to mobile:
Embed forms directly onto a customer’s feed

Easily upload and digitize important forms that require signatures, no coding needed.

Capture e-Signature:
Make it easy & secure for customers to sign your forms

Customers visit their personalized feed and sign the digitized form directly on the feed.

Access completed and signed forms:
Store & retrieve captured data using Relay’s reporting capabilities

Once signed, you can download the completed form.

Frictionless & Secure
e-Signature with Relay Feeds

Healthcare organizations using Relay Rapid e-Signature:
Capture patient and member consent forms

Confirm receipt of therapy or medication
Finalize program enrollment
Gather completed financial assistance forms
Enroll patients in therapy faster.

Financial Services organizations using Relay Rapid e-Signature:
Drive application completions

Capture customer information updates and forms
• Onboard customers faster.

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