
Empathy in Action: A Recap from Our Speaking Session with Angela Cornacchia, Alkermes

October 4, 2024

We had a great time at the Hubs and Specialty Pharmacy Models West Event last month and were honored to speak to in front of attendees about an important topic in the space: empathy across patient engagement. Our session, “Empathy in Action – Transforming Patient Engagement for Better Outcomes” featured Angela Cornacchia, Director, Patient Access Services, at Alkermes. Alkermes provides specialized medications for difficult-to-treat diseases that are tied to alcoholism, opioid addiction, and various mental health illnesses. Angela and her team pride themselves on their empathetic approach, especially since they work with a particularly vulnerable and challenging patient population.

Moderated by Relay’s EVP of Sales, Jay Lavin, the conversation highlighted the work that Angela and the Alkermes team is doing to incorporate empathy in their patient engagement approach and how they have even found ways to inject empathy into the digital tools that they use to communicate with patients. Below are some key takeaways from the conversation:

The main theme of the session was the importance of empathy in patient interactions. Angela discussed that engaging with patients on a human level, that is, understanding their emotions and perspectives, is critical to delivering better outcomes. They have made this a priority at Alkermes, ensuring that their staff is trained to truly listen and understand patient needs.

Training teams on empathy and the disease states of patients is critical for success. Angela suggested that listening to patient testimonials and understanding the human side of medical conditions helps her employees provide better support. In addition to hiring and training their staff to provide an empathetic approach with patients, Angela also spoke on their use of digital tools for communication and engagement.

As part of their overall engagement approach, Angela shared that they rely on digital tools, including Relay, to communicate and engage with patients. She noted how digital tools have transformed patient engagement today and help in meeting patients where they are—through personalized, empathetic communication, increasing engagement.

Now we’re in a world of complete digital communication. I never thought I’d see the day where I was having full conversations with people by text and very few voice conversations. So that really increases patient engagement tenfold because you’re meeting patients where they are. They don’t have time to answer the phone, but you still want to get them the information.”

Angela Cornacchia

Of course, it is challenging to balance technology with the inclusion of empathy. Using a tool like Relay, Angela shared how she and her team are able to inject empathetic language in the messages that go out to their patients and provide patients with actionable resources like “click to call” to speak with a support person at the exact moment that the patient might need it. Both Angela and Jay emphasized the need to strike a balance where technology supports efficiency but maintains the personal touch needed in patient care, especially with vulnerable populations.

Through the use of digital tools, including Relay, Angela shared some of the success they have seen. For example, they have seen a 21% lift in medication fill rates when patients engage through digital platforms and welcome calls. These metrics indicate that personalized, empathetic digital communication plays a key role in helping patients access their care and adhere to their treatments.

What we’ve seen is patients that are engaging in the text program and the coordinator welcome call have almost a 21% lift in medication refill rate. So what’s that really tell us? It tells us that we’re doing our job. So those patients that are engaging with us, we are helping them to overcome their barriers to start and stay on therapy. We are making a difference in patient’s lives.

Angela Cornacchia

Angela’s presentation is encouraging to anyone who is trying to find a way to meet patients where they are using digital tools without sacrificing the human touch and empathy that is so important with vulnerable patient populations. The success the Alkermes team has seen shows that with the right digital tools and the right staff training, empathy can reside at the center of any patient engagement strategy and succeed.

To hear the entire session, check out the video below.

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